Co-designing science-based solutions for safe climate and clean air: #ACCCImpact Week
7-10 December, 2021
The ACCC Impact Week on Co-designing Science-based Solutions for Safe Climate and Clean Air (07-10 December 2021) offered an arena for dialogue between Earth System scientists and society stakeholders interested in co-creation of science-based solutions for climate change and air quality. The week consisted of a series of panel discussions and working groups.
ACCC Impact Week Agenda: here
Presentation files: soon available
Contact: If you have any questions, please contact:
ACCC Impact Taks activities and projects:
PanEurasian Experiment (PEEX) Program
Arena for the Arctic Science Collaborations, (AASCO)
International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (IEAS)
In collaboration with:
Sofia Cultural Centre, Helsinki
Finnish Ecumenical Council
Universities of Arctic (UArctic)
Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC)


ACCC Impact Week collaborating partners:

For a full list of ACCC Stakeholder partners, please visit the Stakeholder Directory page. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please write to us: acccflagship(a) or visit our Contact page for the ACCC directory.
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