written by Jussi Hoivala, Tampere University
During past few years Tampere University in collaboration with AGCO Power has been developing a new research platform in the premises of Tampere University. In the core of the platform there is an AGCO diesel engine with state-of-art exhaust aftertreatment system. The diesel engine is connected to a Danfoss power electronics consisting of a synchronous reluctance assisted permanent magnet electric machine, two electric converters and an LCL grid filter. In the late 2022 the platform reached a point where research can be conducted. In the past few months the Aerosol Physics laboratory of Tampere University has successfully adopted the platform and generated first research data.
The diesel engine is AGCO Power 49 LFTN-D5 and it is equipped with exhaust aftertreatment system that includes diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), diesel particle filter (DPF), and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) in the stated order. The exhaust system is filled with possible exhaust sample points and thus e.g. the functionality of each system can be studied. A fixed heated sample line is in place that goes up to 600 °C. The platform is able to carry out any steady state setpoints and premeditated dynamic cycles. For example, RMC-C1 and NRTC loading cycles have been tested successfully. In addition to this capability, recordings of real-life cycles from heavy-duty machinery can be replicated with the platform. The platform is equipped with two fuel tanks and changing between these two can be done in a breeze, meaning that studies focusing on how different fuels effect on emissions is very simple.
As things stand, electric side of the hybrid setup is powered by electrical grid. Stay tuned, because this might change as a discussion about including a battery pack into the system is ongoing. And that is what is called a gamechanger! A battery pack would expand the capabilities of the platform to better simulate actual hybrid systems and even make it possible to optimize them to reduce their environmental impact.

In conclusion, very exciting times are up ahead! A lot of work has been done to make the platform as easy to use as possible. With that in mind and the proximity of the platform to Aerosol Physics laboratory, a whole new door has been opened. The platform brings new possibilities and lowers the threshold for reaching unexplored research areas and testing out the different ideas aiming at cleaner air and better world.
For further information contact Prof. Topi Rönkkö, topi.ronkko@tuni.fi