In September 18-19, a delegation of more than 20 researchers was hosted in Bussels by Finnish MEP Heidi Hautala. The purpose of the trip was to discuss some of the areas of ACCC research and impact work that are relevant for current work of EU. The topics included the EU’s Arctic strategy – current state and future needs, Role of science in environmental and climate diplomacy in the current geopolitical context, New trends in climate policy and law and global stocktake and EU Forest and agricultural policy and economy in the global context.
The sessions and vivid discussions were joined by representatives from the EU Parliament, EU Commission, EEAS and others.
“To genuinely understand the interface between research and EU policy-making, it is crucial to enable such meetings where scientists from multiple fields and at different career stages can meet representatives of various EU bodies”, says ACCC Vice-Director, Professor Jaana Bäck who acted as the delegation leader.
“This way, we can strengthen the connections between researchers and policy-makers who are willing to work hard for science-based climate solutions.”
The ACCC delegation sends a heartfelt thank you for MEP Hautala and her team for hosting the trip!

ACCC researchers photographed in the European Parliament Hemicycle.