This is part of the Soil as a Carbon Sink 3-part seminar series.
“Globally, soil contains about three times as much organic carbon as plants and twice as much as the atmosphere” [1]
Increasing carbon storage in soil is proposed to be one of the most cost-effective climate measures,
a measure that also has a positive impact on aspects such as biodiversity and soil fertility. The topic
has gained the decision-makers’ interest and sits high on the political agenda in the Nordics.
However, using soil as a carbon sink is a complex matter. Knowledge is developing at a fast pace, but
several questions remain to be answered.
Seminar 4: Digital knowledge centres for soil carbon storage
This seminar is part of a series aiming to stimulate knowledge exchange between Nordic actors
interested in soil as a carbon sink. The seminars are initiated and financed by Nordic Forest
Research, Nordic Agri Research and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ working group for climate and
When: 11th of May, 10.00-11.30 CET
To solve any technical problems, please log in to the seminar no later than 09.50
Where: Online via Zoom
Participants will be provided with a link to the seminar on Monday 10th of May
Focus: Soil as a carbon sink is of interest to a wide range of stakeholders and focus point for multiple initiatives. In addition, knowledge is developing fast. This creates a complex ecosystem of actors, organisation, and knowledge which makes it challenging to comprehend what is ongoing and by whom. In this seminar we will discuss how to facilitate increased knowledge sharing and the potential need for digital spaces for knowledge transfer. We will present interesting cases and recent research with regards to digital knowledge sharing for soil carbon sequestration.
RSVP: 20th of April via this link: simplesignup – soil as a carbon sink
Keynote speakers:
- How to bridge model-data integration to decision-relevant time frames – Dr Istem Fer, Senior researcher, Carbon Cycle Research Group, Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Nordic going global – experiences from soil carbon collaborations – Dr Laura Höijer, Content Director, Baltic Sea Action Group
- Unlocking the potential of carbon farming – Lova Brodin, CEO MiljöMatematik/Svensk Kolinlagring
For questions please contact:
Nordic Forest Research (SNS) and Nordic Agri Research (NKJ)