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Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) & ACCC Seminar

Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) ACCC Seminar 

Via Zoom on 16 March 2021 at 9-12 

Preliminary programme 

9:00  Opening of the seminar (chair: Kai Puolamäki) 

9:05  Markku Kulmala (leader of ACCC): Introduction to ACCC 

9:25  Samuel Kaski (leader of FCAI): Introduction to FCAI 

9:45  discussion/break 

9:50  Highlight session (chair: Anna Lintunen) 

9:50  Kai Puolamäki (FCAI): FCAI highlight programme Atmospheric AI 

10:05  Hanna Vehkamäki (ACCC): Machine learning atmospheric particle formation 

10:20  Arto Klami (FCAI): Probabilistic AI: principles and agile tools 

10:35  Olli Tahvonen (ACCC): Reinforcement learning in optimizing forest management 

10:50  Antti Oulasvirta (FCAI): AI that assists atmospheric sciences 

11:05  Risto Makkonen (ACCC): Climate models and AI techniques 

11:20  Sami Paatero: From multi-disciplinary science to multi-stakeholder impact 

11:35  Discussion (chair: Petri Myllymäki) 

12:00  end of seminar 

Before the seminar: Please enter your information at if you want that your name will appear in the . [At the same time, you can optionally upload one pdf slide (max. 10 MB) that introduces you to the other participants. Notice that the Google form requires that you sign in with your Google (Gmail) credentials because of the file upload option.] 

About the highlight session at 9:50-11:35: the highlight talks will last up to 10 minutes each. The remaining 5+ minutes of the 15-minute time slot can be used to questions, breaks, or whatever else you might want to do (about the format).